Sunday, January 9, 2011

Record 16: Fun fun FUN!!!

Last two days which is on the 8th of Jan 2011, me, A-Roo, CC and PL went for my gown choosing! :P We all have great fun! I tried more than 40 dresses of wedding gowns and evening gowns. Thanks to all of them that I managed to narrow down to 5 selection within 2 hours (that's fast!!). Tough job but great fun! Really thank you both close friends that are both excited and more than willing to accompany me for the mission hehe! Plus, the Aspial lady, Shirley has been really nice and friendly! One mission down!

Record 15: A RM209 to warm the hearts of the elders

Finally, I completed the mission of the year! Me and A-Roo went to Giant today to buy numerous stuff to be donated away for the elders in Charis Home. We bought : 10kg rice x3, 1kg Milo x3, Kopi-O x3, toilet roll x2, Canola Oil 3kg x2... The car boot was fully utilized to max :P Blessed we feel when Charis Relau has yet to close even thought it was past 5pm. Still remembered the look on the nice helper when he saw the stuff in the back of the boot. He offered to get a trolley to move them for us. :) *thank you*
Glad that it makes a smile for those elders, hope it will be used for what God meant to be good. ;) God bless those who are in need! How much would RM209 meant to them as compared to us? Well, let those who need it, have it...

May Lord touches the hearts of many to provide for those who are poor. I truly thank you Lord for providing me more than I needed. Let me be reminded of Him who provides at all time. Praise You Lord and thank you.

Record 14: Not it, I guess

Well, I am still unsure if it is H1N1.. my fever stopped on Thrus. However, I am having really bad headache and bodyache... not to say nausea and dizzy =_= Pray Lord will bless me with a speedy recovery. It is rather uncomfortable and not ease at all!! Sorry A-Roo if I am behaving a little moody..I love playing Maple Story with is just the combination of the abnormal flickering, the way I need to tilt down my head --> nausea... Lov u, A-Roo...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Record 13: Mousey down with flu

I am down with terrible flu these days and I am wondering if it is a H1N1 :/ partially because I mixed with a potential H1N1 carrier hehehe... Well let's see if I still persistently having fever till this Friday! I hope I won't. ;) Been praying to God to lend me His healing hand open this sick cat :) I know Lord heard me.

This record is also to thank A-Roo for buying me a surprise Manukan honey just because I was having throat discomfort. *Thank You!*

Record 12: Our first roasted Chicken for year 2011 in our house!

Hehehe, I have the pleasure to make roasted chicken with A-Roo. It is just a simple dish but a great start for our new year! :) Happy New Year, A-Roo..

We had our first roasted chicken during Xmas day. You know to match the feel. The meat was great! and the vege smelled so good and yummy in taste! Thanks to Jamie Oliver!!