Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Record 21: It is hard to be the bad guy

At times, I am unsure whether what I did is wrong or not. It is definitely not my style but at certain times, we need to. It is not a major issue actually. It is in regards of my teammate that missed meetings again and again given the reason of unable to wake up and so. I have been reminding him couple of times, trying to let him know in a nice way that the meeting is something that is important that we ought to attend. It is actually the most important meeting that we have regularly with SJ .. our group meeting. Well, in a professional view point, it is about being accountable for the things we own, attending to every issue/question that people have upon our tasks. Today, I decided to voice out my concern to him that I am displeased with his action. Initially, I intended to cc our manager in the list for this issue has happened couple of times. But in the end, after pondering through, I deleted my manager's email from the list .. as what is the point of making people feel bad unless I have lost faith in helping him. Guess I still want to trust him to change and giving him chance to change. After sending the email to him, I submitted this matter to God, praying that God will touch his heart to understand the matter and will change for good. To me, this team mate is not a bad person. Probably his soft skills have yet to be sharpen and he is still unsure of what needed to be done. I just hope God's grace will continue to shine upon me to guide him and upon him, to understand the matter. It does made me feel bad of voicing the concern but guess it is better than none for people needs to change for better through advice. Oh Lord, may Your blessing be upon me to help those in needs. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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